I have a text file with just random letters in rows and columns. All I would like to do is make a 2d array so that it's puzzle[i][j]
where if I put printf("%c", puzzle[5][4]);
it would simply give me the 4th row and 3rd columns character (since it starts at 0 in an array). Here is my code so far.
#define MAXROWS 60
#define MAXCOLS 60
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
FILE *TableFilePtr;
char TableFileName[100];
char PuzzleFileName[100];
char puzzle[MAXROWS][MAXCOLS];
printf("Please enter the table file name: ");
TableFilePtr=fopen(TableFileName, "r");
if(TableFilePtr == NULL)
printf("Can't open %s", TableFileName);
char words;
int n;
int i,j,row,col;
int rowcount, colcount;
printf("\n how many rows and colums are there? separate by a space: ");
scanf("%d %d",&row, &col);
/* while(fscanf(TableFilePtr,"%c",&words)!= EOF)
/*for (colcount=0;colcount<col;colcount++)
for (rowcount=0;rowcount<row;rowcount++)
printf("%c ",words);
fscanf(TableFilePtr, "%c %s\n",&puzzle[i]][j]);
// printf("%c ", puzzle[i][j]);
The commented area at the end (just the starting part) works to simply print out the text file in the compiler. I would like to get it to be in a 2d array though.
I would do something like this (I didn't use all of your exact variable names but you get the idea):
Edit: much shorter version will have newline and NULL chars at the end of each row unless you manually pick them off. You may have to tweak puzzle[][] (use MAXCOLS +/- n or some such) to make it work for you.
At the end of the loop,
should be a 2d array of chars from your input file. Hope that helps.