Mapping routes for urls with .asp extension

2019-08-22 02:27发布

I am trying to create a legacy route to redirect old asp links to the new urls.

My route is as follows and it's the first route in the list:

    "", // Route name
    "{*path}", // URL with parameters
    new { controller = "Legacey", action = "Legacey" },
    new { path = @".*\.asp.*" });// Parameter defaults

The problem I have is IIS intercepts these and 404s them before they hit my route. I guess there's a setting in the web.config to tell IIS to stop doing this but I can't find it.

2楼-- · 2019-08-22 03:10

You could accomplish this through URL rewriting, as explained in this post

Just add something like this to your web.Config (replace Legacey/Legacey with the redirect URL for the asp pages):

      <rule name="Redirect ASP Files to new URL" stopProcessing="true"> 
        <match url="*\.asp" /> 
        <action type="Redirect" url="Legacey/Legacey" appendQueryString="false" /> 

I haven't tested this, it's just what I've understood from that post.

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