I recently made a Drop Down type form where a user can select one of the listed items and hit "Add to Cart" where it brings them to another page.
Is it possible to change this into a Radio type form where they can just select which one they would like and hit "Add to Cart" instead of a drop down type? I looked through almost every page on Google and all the Radio Type help sections basically just writes down the information in a file. I don't need anything that writes in a file, just basically redirects to another page when a user selects a choice and hit "Add to cart:
My current Drop Down menu form is:
<p align="center"><b>Select a Payment:</b>
<select id="setit" style="color: #000" size="1" name="test" onchange="displayValue();">
<option value="/">Select one</option>
<option value="/">1 Month: $4.99</option>
<option value="/">3 Months: $14.99</option>
<option value="/">6 Months: $29.99</option>
<br />
<div id="displayValue"></div>
<br />
<center><input type="button" value="Add to Cart" onclick="window.open(setit.options[setit.selectedIndex].value)"></center>
Thank you for your time!
Try this:
You need a js function to get the checked radio's value:
Yes, you can. Try this: