Well, this is the follow up on another thread.
I have a Person
table with a several fields
The table is presented to the user in 3 different ways:
3) as a report (no picture, but is similar to datasheet)
A special tag §Person§
is added to the Form, to select main the attached table
Also, there is a query returning the errors and their formatting rules for each field
in a given table
here is the piece of code i would use to define the conditionalformattingrules for each Form, Report, Datasheet, when they are loaded.
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Call validazione.validate(Form)
End Sub
Function validate(aForm As Form)
Call DeleteFormats(aForm) ' to remove existing formats
Call setFormats(aForm) ' to insert the new formats
End Function
The setFormat sub is the following:
Sub setFormats(aForm As Form)
Dim TableName As String, t() As String, ErrSQL As String, ctlName As String
Dim ErrRst As DAO.Recordset, FormCtl As Control, ctl As Variant
Dim frmtCount As Integer, Cnt As Integer
Dim fcdSource As FormatCondition, fcdDestination As FormatCondition
Dim varOperator As Variant, varType As Variant, x As Variant, y As Variant
Dim varExpression1 As Variant, varExpression2 As Variant
Dim intConditionCount As Integer, intCount As Integer
If Len(aForm.Tag) > 0 And Mid$(aForm.Tag, 1, 1) = "§" Then
t = Split(aForm.Tag, "§", 1)
If Len(t(0)) > 0 Then TableName = t(0)
TableName = Replace(TableName, "§", "")
ErrSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Q Errori per tabella] WHERE ([TableName] = """ & TableName & """);"
Set ErrRst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(ErrSQL, , dbReadOnly)
If ErrRst.EOF Then Exit Sub
FormCtl = aForm.Controls("CAP")
y = aForm.Properties(ctlName).Item("Codice Fiscale")
With ErrRst
Do Until .EOF
x = ErrRst.Fields("FieldName")
Debug.Print x
' On Error GoTo fine
FormCtl = aForm.Controls("CAP")
FormCtl = aForm.
On Error GoTo 0
If FormCtl.ControlType = acTextBox Or FormCtl.ControlType = acComboBox Then
' Add the FormatCondition
Cnt = FormCtl.FormatConditions + 1
FormCtl.FormatConditions.Add acExpression, , .Fields.Item(Cnt).Value
' Reference the FormatCondition to apply formatting.
' Note: The FormatCondition cannot be referenced
' in this manner until it exists.
Set fcdDestination = ctl.FormatConditions.Item(Cnt).Value
With FormCtl.FormatConditions.Item(Cnt)
.BackColor = Eval("RGB" & ErrRst.item("Sfondo").value)
' .FontBold = fcdSource.FontBold
' .FontItalic = fcdSource.FontItalic
' .FontUnderline = fcdSource.FontUnderline
.ForeColor = Eval("RGB" & ErrRst.item("pen").value)
End With
End If
fine: On Error GoTo 0
' Next x
End With
End If
End Sub
***Well, it looks crazy, but my problem is how to access a formfield, or a reportcolumn, or a datasheet column by name
Also, I would like to have just one function to manage all the three options: Form, Report and Datasheet.
Can anyone help? TIA Paolo