I have a MongoDB model that contains a Date field whose type is defined as Date.now. Any date is converted to ISO date format. Inside the model the date is defined as :
xDate : {
type: Date.now,
required: true
I pass the current Date as :
var d = new Date();
var temp = d.toISOString();
var subStr = temp.substr(10,temp.length - 1);
var curDate = temp.replace(subStr, "T00:00:00.000Z");
However the date is stored as an ISO String inside the MongoDB schema. I try to query it using Mongoose using the following query:
xDate: curDate
.exec(function(err, doc) {
var response = {
status : 200,
message : doc
if (err) {
response.status = 500;
response.message = err;
} else if (!doc) {
console.log("Documents against the date not found in database" ,curDate);
response.status = 404;
response.message = {
"message" : "Documents not found for " + curDate
I keep getting a blank json array inspite of the data being there. Inside the table the xDate is stored as YYYY-MM-DD format.
The date inside mongo is not stores in ISO string. If you save your model as Date.now, it will save a new Date object, not an ISO string. So one easy way of querying is to query by
new Date()
object.Also note that your query is hard to be true, since you will have a hard time getting the exactly same date as your data is stored. I think better option for you is using
filters.New query should look something like: