How can I change this code instead of dragging you just click two elements to exchange the position of the two elements? I wanted to exchange two tiles through clicking one then another but instead, in here you need to drag the first tile to bring it to the other then they will exchange.
function onPuzzleClick(e){
if(e.layerX || e.layerX == 0){
_mouse.x = e.layerX - _canvas.offsetLeft;
_mouse.y = e.layerY - _canvas.offsetTop;
else if(e.offsetX || e.offsetX == 0){
_mouse.x = e.offsetX - _canvas.offsetLeft;
_mouse.y = e.offsetY - _canvas.offsetTop;
_currentPiece = checkPieceClicked();
if(_currentPiece != null){
_stage.globalAlpha = .9;
_stage.drawImage(_img,,, pcWidth, pcHeight, _mouse.x - (pcWidth / 2), _mouse.y - (pcHeight / 2), pcWidth, pcHeight);
document.onmousemove = updatePuzzle;
document.onmouseup = pieceDropped;
function checkPieceClicked(){
var i;
var piece;
for(i = 0;i < _pieces.length;i++){
piece = _pieces[i];
if(_mouse.x < piece.xPos || _mouse.x > (piece.xPos + pcWidth) || _mouse.y < piece.yPos || _mouse.y > (piece.yPos + pcHeight)){
return piece;
return null;
function updatePuzzle(e){
_currentDropPiece = null;
if(e.layerX || e.layerX == 0){
_mouse.x = e.layerX - _canvas.offsetLeft;
_mouse.y = e.layerY - _canvas.offsetTop;
else if(e.offsetX || e.offsetX == 0){
_mouse.x = e.offsetX - _canvas.offsetLeft;
_mouse.y = e.offsetY - _canvas.offsetTop;
var i;
var piece;
for(i = 0;i < _pieces.length;i++){
piece = _pieces[i];
if(piece == _currentPiece){
_stage.drawImage(_img,,, pcWidth, pcHeight, piece.xPos, piece.yPos, pcWidth, pcHeight);
_stage.strokeRect(piece.xPos, piece.yPos, pcWidth,pcHeight);
if(_currentDropPiece == null){
if(_mouse.x < piece.xPos || _mouse.x > (piece.xPos + pcWidth) || _mouse.y < piece.yPos || _mouse.y > (piece.yPos + pcHeight)){
_currentDropPiece = piece;;
_stage.globalAlpha = .4;
_stage.fillStyle = PUZZLE_HOVER_TINT;
_stage.fillRect(_currentDropPiece.xPos,_currentDropPiece.yPos,pcWidth, pcHeight);
_stage.globalAlpha = .6;
_stage.drawImage(_img,,, pcWidth, pcHeight, _mouse.x - (pcWidth / 2), _mouse.y - (pcHeight / 2), pcWidth, pcHeight);
_stage.strokeRect( _mouse.x - (pcWidth / 2), _mouse.y - (pcHeight / 2), pcWidth,pcHeight);
function pieceDropped(e){
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
if(_currentDropPiece != null){
var tmp = {xPos:_currentPiece.xPos,yPos:_currentPiece.yPos};
_currentPiece.xPos = _currentDropPiece.xPos;
_currentPiece.yPos = _currentDropPiece.yPos;
_currentDropPiece.xPos = tmp.xPos;
_currentDropPiece.yPos = tmp.yPos;
Here’s how to swap pieces using mouse clicks instead of drags
In the mouseup handler:
Check if the user hit any piece.
If the user hit a piece and no piece was previously “selected”, then “select” this piece.
If the user hit a piece and there was as previous selection, then swap the 2 pieces and reset the pieces.
If the user clicks outside of all pieces, clear any “selected” piece.
Here is working code for you to look at and a Fiddle: