I have installed Jenkins using docker.Albeit, I have skipped the manual setup. when I build the image and run it(still I have many things to do), I need to type IP and port on my browser to open Jenkins dashboard.
My question is ,can I automate, with the script, in docker that Jenkins which is built should open in the browser when I run that image?
any commands need to run please comment it
I tried to open browser via command, but it end up with error. Anyone help with my automation tool.
Thank you in advance
Go to your wifi information and get your system. For example, your HOST IP is using
ifconfig or ipconfig
and user name bywhoami
then inside container you can do likessh user_name@ 'DISPLAY=:0 firefox'
for linux based.I f host is window then you can run
if you want to avoid username and password just public-private key and place your public key in container and ssh using that key.
docker exec -it container_name ash|bash -c ssh user_name@ 'DISPLAY=:0 firefox'
You can run different command base on os
How to detect the OS from a Bash script?