I need to add a checkbox to the page editing form in Gutenberg without third-party plugins like ACF. I did some tutorials, including the one on the official Wordpress page, but it does not behave as I need to.
I already have the addition to the sidebar (I replaced the checkbox with a toogle but it would be the same), the element does not work itself, if I click does not change its status, nor can I store the value when saving the page.
Formerly I would have solved it with metabox, but it is no longer compatible with this version of Wordpress.
What should I modify in the code for the component to change its status and then store it in database when saving a page?
I tried with this and works, but isn't what I need: https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/tutorials/plugin-sidebar-0/plugin-sidebar-1-up-and-running/
I tried whit this: https://www.codeinwp.com/blog/make-plugin-compatible-with-gutenberg-sidebar-api/
export class MyPluginSidebar{
const { __ } = wp.i18n;
const {
} = wp.editPost;
const {
} = wp.components;
const {
} = wp.element;
const { withSelect } = wp.data;
const { registerPlugin } = wp.plugins;
const { withState } = wp.compose;
class Hello_Gutenberg extends Component {
constructor() {
super( ...arguments );
this.state = {
key: '_hello_gutenberg_field',
value: '',
wp.apiFetch( { path: `/wp/v2/posts/${this.props.postId}`, method: 'GET' } ).then(
( data ) => {
console.log('apiFetch data', data.meta);
this.setState( {
value: data.meta._hello_gutenberg_field
} );
return data;
( err ) => {
console.log('wp api fetch error', err);
return err;
static getDerivedStateFromProps( nextProps, state ) {
if ( ( nextProps.isPublishing || nextProps.isSaving ) && !nextProps.isAutoSaving ) {
wp.apiRequest( { path: `/hello-gutenberg/v1/update-meta?id=${nextProps.postId}`, method: 'POST', data: state } ).then(
( data ) => {
return data;
( err ) => {
return err;
render() {
var hasFixedBackground = true;
return (
{ __( 'Sidebar title' ) }
title={ __( 'Sidebar title' ) }
label="Control label"
//help={ hasFixedBackground ? 'Has fixed background.' : 'No fixed background.' }
checked={ hasFixedBackground }
//onChange={ () => this.setState( ( state ) => ( { hasFixedBackground: ! state.hasFixedBackground } ) ) }
// Pass post ID to plugin class
// Prevent to save on each state change, just save on post save
const HOC = withSelect( ( select, { forceIsSaving } ) => {
const {
} = select( 'core/editor' );
return {
postId: getCurrentPostId(),
isSaving: forceIsSaving || isSavingPost(),
isAutoSaving: isAutosavingPost(),
isPublishing: isPublishingPost(),
} )( Hello_Gutenberg );
registerPlugin( 'hello-gutenberg', {
icon: 'admin-site',
render: HOC,
} );
This code register the sidebar, add the control but didn't change his state neither save in database.
Any help are welcome.
If you want to save data that you have added later on you gutenberg block you need to use addFilter. I can show you an example i am using: