How can I find if a DB2 Warehouse on Cloud instance is enabled for Oracle compatibility? What is the default compatibility mode for DB2WoC instance which was provisioned from IBM Cloud? Is there a way to toggle the mode? Thanks.
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Oracle compatibility can only be set at the time of provision. It can't be changed afterwards. If you need to change the setting, you would need to raise a Ticket and see if support will copy your data into a new instance. Alternatively, provision a new instance yourself, checking the Oracle compatibility option, and copy your data over.
A quick way to check if you have compatibility mode enabled is to look at the following parameters
If they are all on, then your database was created in Oracle Compatibility mode
Depends on which plan you are on. IBM Documents that Oracle-compatibility does not apply to the entry plan for the managed service of Db2 warehouse on cloud
Depending on what you've got, and deployment timing,there are configuration options (including ENABLE_ORACLE_COMPATIBILITY), see