With the new MRTK2 I'm looking to disable spatial mapping after we are done using it to place GameObjects. I'm stuck on what exactly to call in the namespace or on the service to do this at run time.
I've tried: MixedRealityToolkit.SpatialAwarenessSystem.SuspendObservers();
This has no effect. I could disable the entire "Spatial Awareness System" GameObject, but this would be a hack.
What I need is the proper call that would disable the system entirely so that resources are freed up when it is no longer useful?
Additionally, a little insight into how we are to access the service system correctly would be of great help.
I would have expected the SuspendObservers() method to result in no new meshes being displayed. Do you see the meshes changing after suspending?
It is by design for the meshes to remain visible until the application explicitly sets their visibility to None via the IMixedRealitySpatialAwarenessMeshObserver.DisplayOption property.
You can use the following code to disable/enable the spatial awareness system:
You can use the following code to enable/disable just the visualization but keep the colliders on:
You can read more documentation about the Spatial Awareness system in MRTK on the mrtk github.io site at Spatial Awareness System Usage guide