I include my svg using
<div ng-include="'src/assets/arrowdown.svg'"></div>
This works correctly when using npm run dev with that:
webpack-dev-server --https --host
But when I use a build, the svg that has been included using ng-include are not processed.
With other svg, used as classic resource, they are read at build time, their name is changed to handle versionning and output look like this:
background: url(//assets.mysite.com/build/4341cb2ee439f765105fb3258df4048c.svg) 50% no-repeat
When using ng-include the final build looks like this:
GET https://assets.mysite.com/src/assets/img/arrowdown.svg 404 (Not Found)
So the svg is not read by the loader
What should I do to make webpack detect the ng-include and extract the svg in the resources ?
Using angularjs 1.5.5 with webpack 1.13.2.
After trying different method, I finally had something that work.
Just putting this here in case someone has no better idea.
I created a simple service that contains the svg inline.
Loading a resource like this:
In the controller:
The service contains the inline svg:
It is not much but it's honest work that works with my current constraints.