I'm using an NodeMCU (ESP8266) and Arduino IDE. The sketch part works, I can see the analog reading on the serial monitor as I move the pot.
The webserver index.html is in the SPIFFs file system.
When connected and server is loaded I can see the gauge on the browser but no movement from the needle is displayed.
My goal is to get the ADC Reading and update the needle on the gauge.
This is what I have so far, this is a sample from https://rawgit.com/Mikhus/canvas-gauges/master/examples/issue-63.html
How can it be modified to get the ADC reading?
<!doctype html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Gauge Test</title>
<script src="../gauge.min.js"></script>
<style>body {
padding: 20px;
margin: 0;
background: #fff
<a href="#" onclick="gaugePS.value=570">570</a>
<a href="#" onclick="gaugePS.value=583">583</a>
<a href="#" onclick="gaugePS.value=830">830</a>
<canvas id="gauge-ps"></canvas>
var gaugePS = new RadialGauge({
renderTo: 'gauge-ps',
width: 400,
height: 400,
units: 'PS',
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 1000,
majorTicks: [
minorTicks: 2,
ticksAngle: 270,
startAngle: 45,
strokeTicks: true,
highlights : [
{ from : 457, to : 880, color : 'rgba(78, 78, 76, 0.5)' },
{ from : 880, to : 1000, color : 'rgba(225, 7, 23, 0.75)' }
valueInt: 1,
valueDec: 0,
colorPlate: "#fff",
colorMajorTicks: "#686868",
colorMinorTicks: "#686868",
colorTitle: "#000",
colorUnits: "#000",
colorNumbers: "#686868",
valueBox: true,
colorValueText: "#000",
colorValueBoxRect: "#fff",
colorValueBoxRectEnd: "#fff",
colorValueBoxBackground: "#fff",
colorValueBoxShadow: false,
colorValueTextShadow: false,
colorNeedleShadowUp: true,
colorNeedleShadowDown: false,
colorNeedle: "rgba(200, 50, 50, .75)",
colorNeedleEnd: "rgba(200, 50, 50, .75)",
colorNeedleCircleOuter: "rgba(200, 200, 200, 1)",
colorNeedleCircleOuterEnd: "rgba(200, 200, 200, 1)",
borderShadowWidth: 0,
borders: true,
borderInnerWidth: 0,
borderMiddleWidth: 0,
borderOuterWidth: 5,
colorBorderOuter: "#fafafa",
colorBorderOuterEnd: "#cdcdcd",
needleType: "arrow",
needleWidth: 2,
needleCircleSize: 7,
needleCircleOuter: true,
needleCircleInner: false,
animationDuration: 1500,
animationRule: "dequint",
fontNumbers: "Verdana",
fontTitle: "Verdana",
fontUnits: "Verdana",
fontValue: "Led",
fontValueStyle: 'italic',
fontNumbersSize: 20,
fontNumbersStyle: 'italic',
fontNumbersWeight: 'bold',
fontTitleSize: 24,
fontUnitsSize: 22,
fontValueSize: 50,
animatedValue: true
gaugePS.value = "510";
The NodeMCU is serving up an HTML file to the browser. The browser then needs a mechanism to get the latest values from the NodeMCU.
There are two parts to achieving this:
Implementing the HTTP endpoint
The HTTP endpoint will respond to the browser with the latest reading.
First add a handler on the route
:Then implement the handler:
This assumes that you implement the
function to obtain the reading.e.g. An example function to read pin A3:
Update the HTML to get the latest value from the NodeMCU
Add a function to get the reading from the endpoint added above by adding the following to the script block in the HTML file:
Then have the page call this function. The most trivial way to do this is to add a button to the page that calls
:Alternatively the browser could poll for updates using some javascript in the script block: