I cannot able to monitor the twitter.I followed the procedure to do the sentiment analysis (twitter) in node.js code.It verified my twitter account correctly.but it shows stream is not a function. I enclosed the code .can anyone solve this issue.Thanks in advance...
app.get('/watchTwitter', function (req, res) {
const twitter = new twitterAPI({
consumerKey: "asas",
consumerSecret: "sdcscs"
const accessToken = "cdccd";
const accessTokenSecret = "csdcs";
var stream;
var testTweetCount = 0;
var phrase = 'bieber';
twitter.verifyCredentials(accessToken, accessTokenSecret, params, function (error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
stream = twitter.stream('statuses/filter',
'track': phrase
}, function (stream) {
res.send("Monitoring Twitter for \'" + phrase + "\'... Logging Twitter traffic.");
stream.on('data', function (data)
if (testTweetCount % 50 === 0)
console.log("Tweet #" + testTweetCount + ": " + data.text);
console.log("port is listen on 8086");
You are referring Twitter npm package, but you are using node-twitter-api. See the documentations. For
, you need to use following method.