As these questions point out, Guid.NewGuid will return the same value for all rows due to the enforced deterministic nature of U-SQL i.e if it's scaled out if an element (vertex) needs retrying then it should return the same value....
Guid.NewGuid() always return same Guid for all rows
However.... the code example in the officials documentation for a User Defined Extractor purposefully uses Guid.NewGuid().
I'm not querying the validity of the answers for the questions above, as they are from an authoritative source (the programme manager for u-sql, so very authoritative!). However, what I'm wondering if the action of using an Extractor means NewGuid can be used as normal? Is it simply within c# expressions in u-sql and User Defined Functions in which NewGuid is unsafe?
[SqlUserDefinedExtractor(AtomicFileProcessing = true)]
public class FullDescriptionExtractor : IExtractor
private Encoding _encoding;
private byte[] _row_delim;
private char _col_delim;
public FullDescriptionExtractor(Encoding encoding, string row_delim = "\r\n", char col_delim = '\t')
this._encoding = ((encoding == null) ? Encoding.UTF8 : encoding);
this._row_delim = this._encoding.GetBytes(row_delim);
this._col_delim = col_delim;
public override IEnumerable<IRow> Extract(IUnstructuredReader input, IUpdatableRow output)
string line;
//Read the input line by line
foreach (Stream current in input.Split(_encoding.GetBytes("\r\n")))
using (System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(current, this._encoding))
line = streamReader.ReadToEnd().Trim();
//Split the input by the column delimiter
string[] parts = line.Split(this._col_delim);
int count = 0; // start with first column
foreach (string part in parts)
if (count == 0)
{ // for column “guid”, re-generated guid
Guid new_guid = Guid.NewGuid();
output.Set<Guid>(count, new_guid);
else if (count == 2)
// for column “user”, convert to UPPER case
output.Set<string>(count, part.ToUpper());
// keep the rest of the columns as-is
output.Set<string>(count, part);
count += 1;
yield return output.AsReadOnly();
yield break;