I need to execute the following command in terminal for multiple files
SetFile -c "" -t "" <FileName>
so I created a python script that would take filenames as arguments and use call function to execute the command. But I don't know how to put those "" marks in call pipe.
here is the code
from subprocess import call
import sys # for sys.argv
def main():
l = len(sys.argv)
l = l - 1
for i in range(l):
def termExecute(argument):
call(["SetFile", "-c ","","-t ","","argument"])
if __name__ == '__main__':
I am pretty sure the call(["SetFile", "-c ","","-t ","","argument"])
is wrong I hope to know the right way of writing it.
Akuls-MacBook-Pro:~ akulsanthosh$ python3 /Users/akulsanthosh/Documents/Simple/Setfile.py /Volumes/akul/Stuff/1.jpg /Volumes/akul/Stuff/2.jpg /Volumes/akul/Stuff/3.jpg
Invalid type or creator value: '""'
Invalid type or creator value: '""'
ERROR: File Not Found. (-43) on file: argument
Invalid type or creator value: '""'
Invalid type or creator value: '""'
ERROR: File Not Found. (-43) on file: argument
Invalid type or creator value: '""'
Invalid type or creator value: '""'
ERROR: File Not Found. (-43) on file: argument
call(["SetFile", "-c ",'""',"-t ",'""',"argument"])
Python treats both
as valid string delimiters, thus this is possible. Even otherwise you can escape the quotes. In fact you've used string with'
delimits with'__main__'
in your code.After looking at the errors you're getting I would try the below
call(["SetFile", "argument"])
According to the documentation, you can pass empty strings:
You can also pass quotes: "''"