I have a directive to edit a field dynamically called "click-to-edit". If I click on an item, I can edit it without problems.
<span ng-click="ignoreClick($event);" >
<a href='' click-to-edit item="faq" ng-model='faq.pregunta'
I have a filter that highlights a word when it is found, this filter is called "highligth". If I add the line
ng-bind-html="faq.pregunta | highlight:search.pregunta"
I can not click to edit the field.
but the filter works for me to highlight. I need to not miss the functionality of editing the fields without it being damaged when the text is highlighted. How can I fix this?
The issue with
is that it replaces the directive's template, that is why you are not able to click inside the directive (originalng-click
with toggle will not work), it doesn't contain the initial template. You should highlight the text somewhere inside your directives template, like:, check this working jsfiddle.