I started coding in vba today for the first time. My code should ask for a user input first and then read from a text file. If the user input matches the 100 number in the text file it should then populate a certain cell with whatever is next to the 100 number, until the - in the worksheet. If it is GHF897-HTU71L then it should populate the cell until GHF897.
Here is the text file
HGJDJS UFHFHFHB HHGG 0001 100000896765 GHF897-HTU71L-7811-YTHIN U1P903678 GHF897_0000000016 000001 ||||||| W69 000001 |||||||--- X72 BAL TAG 000002 ||||||| X75 CONFIG 000001 |||||||
GFHRTE 0001 100657853125 FGD867-YTURGL-TT55-YTHU/NH7 U1P903679 HFJDJH1_0000000015
Sub readFile()
Dim myValue As Variant
myValue = InputBox("Please Enter/Scan the order number", "Order Number")
Dim arr() As String
Dim i As Integer
Const strFileName As String = "C:\text2.txt"
FileNum = FreeFile
Open strFileName For Input As #FileNum
Line Input #FileNum, StrBuffer
i = 0
Do Until EOF(1)
arr = Split(StrBuffer, vbTab)
If arr(i) = myValue Then Range("D4").Value = arr(i + 1)
i = i + 1
'End If
Close #1
End Sub
It should populate the cell "d4" with the value of arr(i+1)
If your "100 number" is slways within a string such as 'GHF897-' (letter, letter, letter, number, number, number, dash) you can use RegEx to look for it. The function below searches input string for a match and returns it. You should be able to manipulate the output string to suit your needs. There is a multitude of RegEx tutorial which can be easily found online or you can search StackOverflow for more examples and ideas.