For a VSTS worker role, I'm trying to build configuration transforms so I can change settings based on the environment.
I created two files in my solution directory, and, which I have linked to a test project. I then used this tool to apply config transforms and generate the files App.Debug.config and App.Release.config.
In my worker role's regular old app.config, I specify that app settings normally come from the file, so it can either remain in place or get overwritten with a tranform.
<appSettings file="">
In my App.Release.config file, I have the following transform to point my appSettings to read from my production definition: <appSettings file="" xdt:Transform="SetAttributes(file)">
My machinations work fine when I switch between debug and release configurations on my local machine. I successfully see environment variables printed out depending on whether I select "release" or "debug." However, when I deploy to VSTS and specify "release" in my BuildConfiguration variable, the log files say they're doing the transformation, but if I look at the config file on the remote machine no such transformation has occurred.
As you can see, they show that some kind of transformation succeeded:
2018-05-01T19:58:08.9166019Z App_config_AfterCompile:
2018-05-01T19:58:08.9166379Z Transforming Source File: App.config
2018-05-01T19:58:08.9311923Z Applying Transform File: App.Release.config
2018-05-01T19:58:08.9767602Z Output File: obj\Release\DeviceCloud.Application.ReportWorker.exe.config
2018-05-01T19:58:09.0006922Z Transformation succeeded
So, I'm not sure why my DeviceCloud.Application.ReportWorker.exe.config file doesn't have the transformations applied.