I have asked a question here yesterday (Laravel Eloquent query build select min value). From that i am updating my query to select rooms.
My Previous query:
with(['hotel' => function ($query) {
$query->where('status', 0);
if ($request->filled('location_id')) {
$buildquery->Where('city', $request->location_id);
// If amenities is there add it to query
$amenities = $request->amenities;
$count = count($amenities);
$buildquery->withCount(['amenities' => function($query) use ($amenities){
$query->whereIn('amenities_id', $amenities);
->having('amenities_count', $count);
// If price is there add it to query
if ($request->filled('min_price')) {
$buildquery->whereBetween('price', [$request->min_price, $request->max_price]);
$buildquery->Where('astatus', 1)->Where('status', 0);
//$buildquery->orderBy('price', 'DESC')->take(1);
$rooms = $buildquery->simplePaginate(20);
My updated uqery:
$rooms = Hotel::with(['room' => function($query) {
$query->orderBy('price', 'asc')->first();
I ran into one problem. If the user selects the amenities, then only i am including the following query,
$amenities = $request->amenities;
$count = count($amenities);
$buildquery->withCount(['amenities' => function($query) use ($amenities){
$query->whereIn('amenities_id', $amenities);
->having('amenities_count', $count);
How can i add this to my updated query?,
Tried this way but no luck
$rooms = Hotel::with(['room' => function($query) {
$query->orderBy('price', 'asc')->first();
'room.amenities' => function($query) {
$query->withCount(['amenities' => function($query) use ($amenities){
$query->whereIn('amenities_id', $amenities);
->having('amenities_count', $count);
I think the problem is here:
Instead of this you should use:
because you are using subquery where you have
so to refer them id you should use justid
column.I think, you are looking for 'whereHas' builder function. https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/eloquent-relationships#querying-relationship-existence