I'm trying to reuse code, I have some tutorial view controllers / views, which I would like to call from an action sheet. However, the calling views are different. Sometimes the tutorial view(s) would need to be added as a subview and sometimes they would be added to the navigation controller.
How can I expand my standard function to cater for these two different situations ?
You can see what I'm having to do instead, which means duplicate code :(
I have a class called which holds the standard code, I want to add calls to views here directly.
-(void)showHelpClickButtonAtIndex:(int)buttonIndex:(UIView *)vw {
if (buttonIndex == CommonUIHelpPagesBtnIdx) {
// do nothing
} else if (buttonIndex == 0) {
NSLog(@"Tutorial here");
I use in one view like this ...
- (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet
clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
CommonUI *cui = [CommonUI alloc];
[cui showHelpClickButtonAtIndex:buttonIndex:self.view];
[cui release];
if (buttonIndex == CommonUIHelpPagesBtnIdx) {
UIViewController *theController = [[HelpViewController alloc]
bundle:nil onPage:HelpPageCalcBalance];
presentModalViewController:theController animated:YES];
[theController release];
And is another view like this...
- (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet
clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
[cui showHelpClickButtonAtIndex:buttonIndex:self.view];
if (buttonIndex == CommonUIHelpPagesBtnIdx) {
theController = [[HelpViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"HelpView"
bundle:nil onPage:HelpPageGettingStarted];
[self.view addSubview:theController.view];
Maybe the actionSheets could share one same delegate that would be a root viewController or the appDelegate that would know what to do according to it's current state. Hence the same actionSheet method would be used in both case.
If you put your appDelegate which can always be reached as the actionSheetDelegate, you should be able to gain control on every way to present your view, either modally or not in any of your views + the window.
EDIT (re-Edited with your code): Maybe try this
and in your viewControllers:
Didn't try it but it should work.