ASP.NET MVC route for serverside imagemap

2019-08-21 01:43发布

I've got an <input type='image'> in an ASP.NET MVC view, but I'm not sure how to retrieve the coordinates in the action that runs when the form is submitted. The requested URL looks like


but I can't just do

public ActionResult View( int map.x, int map.y )

because they're obviously not valid names for C# method parameters. Is there any equivalent of the ActionName attribute to map query parameters to method parameters?

2楼-- · 2019-08-21 02:28

You have to use use Model binder and set the prefix property to "map":

First create the Model object:

public class ImageMap()
  public int x{get;set;}
  public int y{get;set;}

And in your action method:

public ActionResult About([Bind(Prefix="map")]ImageMap map)

   // do whatever you want here
    var xCord = map.x;

3楼-- · 2019-08-21 02:29

You could make a class like this:

public class ImageMap()
  public int x{get;set;}
  public int y{get;set;}

and then use that as a parameter for your action method

public ActionResult View(ImageMap map)
4楼-- · 2019-08-21 02:34

Try IModelBinders. See this, this and this question.

5楼-- · 2019-08-21 02:45

You can try an entirely different approach and build up your image map using the code provided in the following link.

6楼-- · 2019-08-21 02:50

To answer your question directly, you can change the field which is used on a parameter by using [Bind]:

public ActionResult View([Bind(Prefix="map.x")] int x, 
    [Bind(Prefix="map.y")] int y )

However, a custom ModelBinder that bound an image map to a System.Drawing.Point struct would be nicer.

Edit: Here is an ImageMapBinder that automatically maps to a System.Drawing.Point argument. You don't have to decorate each Point argument with an attribute as long as you add the following code to your Application_Start:

ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(Point), new ImageMapBinder());

Though you can still rename the input using [Bind(Prefix="NotTheParameterName")] if you want to.

The code for ImageMapBinder is as follows:

public class ImageMapBinder : DefaultModelBinder
    public override object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, 
        ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
        int x, y;

        if (!(ParseValue(bindingContext, "x", out x) &&
            ParseValue(bindingContext, "y", out y)))
            return Point.Empty;

        return new Point(x, y);

    private bool ParseValue(ModelBindingContext bindingContext, string value, 
        out int outValue)
        string key = String.Concat(bindingContext.ModelName, ".", value);

        ValueProviderResult result = bindingContext.ValueProvider[key];

        if (result == null)
            outValue = 0;
            return false;

        return ParseResult(result, out outValue);

    private bool ParseResult(ValueProviderResult result, out int outValue)
        if (result.RawValue == null)
            outValue = 0;
            return false;

        string value = (result.RawValue is string[])
            ? ((string[])result.RawValue)[0]
            : result.AttemptedValue;

        return Int32.TryParse(value, out outValue);
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