I have different databases. I have tables within each database. I would like to know if I can ask how many databases excluding some such as 'schema' 'mysql' I have once know how to perform a subquery asked by a particular table of all the databases resulting from the first question.
the structure would be
db1 -> user-> id,name,imei,telephone,etc..
db2 -> user-> id,nameuser,imei,telephone,etc..
db3 -> user-> id,nameuser,imei,telephone,etc..
db1000 -> user-> id,nameuser,imei,telephone,etc..
the query are how this, but this get error
SELECT CONCAT('SELECT * FROM ' schema_name 'where imei.'schema_name = nameimai)
FROM information_schema.schemata
WHERE schema_name NOT IN ('information_schema','mysql','performance_schema','sys','performance_schema','phpmyadmin');
name db id name imei phone
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
db1 1 John 76876876 xxx
db2 2300 John 76876876 xxxx
db1000 45 John 76876876 xxx
its possible in one query
Here's one way you could do it with a stored procedure.
If I understand correctly, you have multiple databases with identical tables (user) and you want to run a query against all these tables for a specific value.
I've made this fairly general so that you can pass in the table name and also the where clause. Your example seemed to be looking for user records with imei = '76876876', so if we use that example.
Run it with