I have a project that is exported to TFS using Eclipse TFS plug-in when I re import the the project from TFS to eclipse into another machine it will not take the UFT8 encoding.
Note: My eclipse is configured to have UFT8 encoding from the text editor
You can follow below steps to set the default file encoding in Eclipse:
: Open eclipse.ini in your eclipse home directory --> put the line-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
at the end of the file --> SaveThen import the project again.
For the projects which already imported, you can right click the Project --> Properties and select Resource on the left side menu. You can now change the Text-file encoding to whatever you wish.
This article for your reference : Unicode/UTF-8 in your Eclipse Java projects
Before you import your project from TFS to eciplse, you have to run one program using UF8 encoding after that you can import your project from TFS