I'm trying to only allow users to write documents where the ID is equal to their email address. I can't seem to get this rule to work. Where am I going wrong? The user is authenticated, and email address is set on the user's account.
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow write: if request.auth.email == request.resource.id;
body: JSON.stringify(object),
email: this.$firebase.auth().currentUser.email,
submitted: new Date()
.then(function (docRef) {
console.log('Successfully Written to DB.')
.catch(function (error) {
that.isSubmitting = false
console.error('Error adding document: ', error)
Error adding document: Error: Missing or insufficient permissions.
at new FirestoreError (error.js?6b3a:140)
at eval (webchannel_connection.js?80bc:250)
at W.eval (webchannel_connection.js?80bc:195)
at Ab (index.js?0dfd:23)
at W.g.dispatchEvent (index.js?0dfd:21)
at Re.Ca (index.js?0dfd:98)
at ye.g.Oa (index.js?0dfd:86)
at dd (index.js?0dfd:42)
at ed (index.js?0dfd:39)
at ad (index.js?0dfd:37)
Turns out that profile details are contained in the token object, and can be accessed as follows: