I am attemping to create a Plugin inside a Plugin using the CakePHP Framework.
My folder structure is like so
I am using the following line to load the SbnAdmin plugin
CakePlugin::loadAll(array('SbnAdmin' => array('bootstrap' => true)));
And in the SbnAdmin bootstrap I have
I am able to view a controller/model/view from the SbnAdmin plugin, but I am unable to access the SbnChart plugin...
I have tried
With no success and I am not sure what else I can do, Any ideas?
In your SbnAdmin bootstrap add:
What we're doing is telling cake to add additional paths to look for to load the plugins, in this case inside your SbnAdmin/Plugin folder. Then we are loading the plugin afterwards.
You should be able to access it now via the normal
or in your case/sbn_chart/controller/action