I want to create a slideshow using the background image of a div. I don´t want the images to rotate automatically, instead I want to use standard prev and next buttons to change the div´s background image. In total there will be around 6 images to scroll through. It needs to be a background image as the div has some other content in it.
Think this can be achieved using JQuery but not sure how.
I have the following code which automatically rotates through the images, but I don´t want them to change automatically. I need to be able to scroll through the images using the next and prev buttons.
var bgArr = ["images/img-restaurante-2.jpg", "images/img-restaurante-3.jpg", "images/img-restaurante-4.jpg", "images/img-restaurante-5.jpg", "images/img-restaurante-1.jpg"];
var i = 0;
// Start the slide show
var interval = self.setInterval("swapBkgnd()", 20000);
function swapBkgnd() {
if (i > (bgArr.length - 1)) {
i = 0
$("#restaurante").css("background-image", "url(" + bgArr[i] + ")");
} else {
$("#restaurante").css("background-image", "url(" + bgArr[i] + ")");
Can anyone help me?
You can use a plugin JCaroussel lite for example : http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/jcarousellite/
Take a look at Gallerific (jQuery plugin) very slick.
Super simple to implement you just put your images in a Unordered List (UL) (in the example below the "thumbs-min" is the UL) and then do something like this;
Collection of jQuery slideshow related plugins here.Might be something more like Supsersized is what your looking for.