I read that to include the Zend framework, I must include this on the include path in php.ini. But I have a doubt.
Where do I find the php.ini
file in my WAMP with php 5.3.0?
Please help me because I am new to this topic and also to PHP...
I read that to include the Zend framework, I must include this on the include path in php.ini. But I have a doubt.
Where do I find the php.ini
file in my WAMP with php 5.3.0?
Please help me because I am new to this topic and also to PHP...
Left click the WAMP icon in your system tray. Under PHP, there's a php.ini option.
you can also do it from the index.php if you prefer. see the following code
The manual of set_include_path.
create a php file with phpinfo() in it. It will tell you a lot about the settings you use and also what php.ini file you use.
i see the info you are talkin about (koen) but i wrote a simple helloworld.php in zend and i am tryin to run it so it takes me to a browser or it uses its own browser... but when i click the "run as php web page", it tells me it cant find the localhost(wamp), and when i even load zend newly, it cant find any server... well i just want it to connect to WAMP, and i wont mind knowing how it connects to XAMP, i run both services, but i would love to know more about WAMP, if you have any other suggestions please elaborate on it better... cos i am new to php and this zend framework