I'm attempting to fit a basic power trendline on a set of 3 data point, as you could do in Excel to mimic the y = Ax^b function. I have a very simple data set loaded into LCurve.data as follows:
MDPT = {4, 10.9, 51.6}
AUC = {287069.4, 272986.0, 172426.1}
fm0 <- nls(log(LCurve.data$AUC) ~ log(a) + b * log(LCurve.data$MDPT), data = LCurve.data, start = list (a = 1, b =1))
ggplot(LCurve.data, aes(x=MDPT, y = AUC)) + geom_line() +
geom_point() +
stat_smooth(method = 'nls', formula = y ~ a * x ^ b, method.args = list(
start=c(a = coef(fm0)[1], b = coef (fm0)[2])))
For some reason this code produces the following error.
Warning: Computation failed in stat_smooth()
singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates
The fm0 array has the correct values in the "a" and "b" fields, or coef(fm0)[1] and [2] respectively. I confirmed that with a print of the variable.
I cannot figure out why I am unable to graph the NLS trendline in stat_smooth though. Any ideas? I've been googling for almost 2 hours now and keep running into dead ends. Thanks!