I have been trying to parse the London Underground Linestatus XML "feed" - with little success. I would have expected this to ne "easy" using XPath, but I am getting empty nodes.
I am fairly sure sure that I am not dealing with the uk namespace correctly.
Here is my (rather simple code):
import libxml2
from urllib2 import urlopen
data = urlopen('http://cloud.tfl.gov.uk/TrackerNet/LineStatus').read()
doc = libxml2.parseDoc(data)
except (libxml2.parserError, TypeError):
print "Problems loading XML"
context = doc.xpathNewContext()
context.xpathRegisterNs("uk", "http://webservices.lul.co.uk")
record_nodes = context.xpathEval('//uk:LineStatus')
for node in record_nodes:
print "******************************"
The record_nodes loop is being ignored. The xml is being parsed correctly.
Can someone please shed some light on this.
You need to add a forward slash at the end of the namespace URI. The correct URI is