I am facing a complex bug where two json fields, the name and the description, only show their first character on a table every now and then randomly for no apparent reason. Has anyone ran into this issue? Attached screenshots of behavior below.
My web stack consists of a golang api get request being called using axios by a react frontend where I feed a react table component.
Table with first character only bug
Axios Call
fetchMaintenanceEventsData() {
let parent = this;
console.log('Fetching Maintenance Events Data');
maintenanceEventsData: [],
maintenanceEventsDataLoading: true
.then((res) => {
// console.log('res.data: ', res.data);
maintenanceEventsData: res.data,
maintenanceEventsDataLoading: false
.catch((error) => {
console.log("Error:", error);
maintenanceEventsDataLoading: false
I expect the table fields to display completely 100% of the time.