I am using POM framework and test data I kept in excel file. As per my code its reading only login email id and login password with a help of
but i want to read complete excel sheet without hard coding as mentioned above. Also my test data has Numerical values and this also not reading. My test data looks like,
loginusername - abc@123.com
sfdc- aoa_1205
Public static string readtestdata(string key) throws illegalargumentexception, ioexception {
String path = system.getproperty("user.dir") + "/data/testdata.xlsx";
Fileinputstream fs = new fileinputstream(path);
Workbook sapworkbook = new xssfworkbook(fs);
Sheet sapsheet = sapworkbook.getsheet("sheet1");
Int rowcount = sapsheet.getlastrownum() - sapsheet.getfirstrownum();
For (int i = 0; i < rowcount + 1; i++) {
Row row = sapsheet.getrow(i);
If (key.equals(row.getcell(0).getstringcellvalue())) {
Return row.getcell(1).getstringcellvalue();
Throw new illegalargumentexception(string.format("%s not found!", key));
Note : My current issue is i am not able to read Numerical values in excel (Test data) & also i want to read complete excel file (test data has 50 rows) i don't want to hard code it.