I have collection which contains nested array. I need to fetch the data based on below condition:
empId : 19107
address.country: "AUS"
group.subGroup.primarySubGroup.primary : "Y"
"empId": "19107",
"address": [
"street": "no.12 wilson street",
"description": "No.32 watson street",
"mobile": 2387468238,
"group": [
"groupId": 75227,
"primaryGroup": [
"primary": "Y"
"primary": "N"
"subGroup": [
"subGroupId": 123,
"primarySubGroup": [
"primary": "Y"
"primary": "N"
"subGroupId": 234,
"primarySubGroup": [
"primary": "N"
"primary": "Y"
I need the output as below:
"empId": "19107",
"address": [
"street": "no.12 wilson street",
"mobile": 2387468238,
"group": [
"groupId": 75227,
"primaryGroup": [
"primary": "Y"
"subGroup": [
"subGroupId": 123,
"primarySubGroup": [
"primary": "Y"
"subGroupId": 234,
"primarySubGroup": [
"primary": "Y"
Below given the query which I tried:
[{"$match" : {"empId":90, "address" : {"$elemMatch": {"country": {"$eq":"AUS"}}}, "group" :{"$elemMatch" : {"primaryGroup": {"$elemMatch" : {"primary": {"$eq": "Y"}}}, "subGroup" : {"$elemMatch" : { "primarySubGroup" : { "$elemMatch": {"primary" : {"$eq" : "Y"}}}}}}}}}, {"$project": {"empId":1, "mobile":1, "address": {"$filter" : {"input": "$address", "as": "d", "cond": {"$eq": ["$$d.country", "AUS"]}}} , "group" : {"$map": {"input": "$group", "as" : "v", "in": {"primaryGroup": {"$filter": {"input": "$$v.primaryGroup", "as": "vp", "cond": {"$eq": ["$$vp.primary", "Y"]}}}}}}, "subGroup": {"$map" : {"input": "$group", "as" : "n", "in": {"primarySubGroup" : {"$filter": {"input": "$$n.group", "as" : "mp", "cond": {"$eq": ["$$mp.primarySubGroup.primary", "830090"]}}}}}} }}]
I am new to mongoDB. I tried the below approach (Spring data Match and Filter Nested Array) but I am facing some issue in nested array fetch. ex: Instead of groupId, I need to compare the primaryGroup in $map which is present in group field.
Could you please help me with this. Thanks in advance.
You can use below query.
Couple of things I've changed.
is required for single criteria. Use dot notation instead.2.Move the subgroup's
inside group's$map