I have a problem with my API, the GET, POST, DELETE and PUT work perfectly. but if for some reason at the time of making a PUT or a POST I generate errors (404, 400, 500, etc) and it is normal that in some times for any query I generate errors ... the problem is that the next Once I go back to do a POST or PUT (being aware that it is ok) the error is stored and it does not let me make the new query ... I do not know what to do or what is wrong. but the GET is still working
[HttpGet("{id}")] //GET
public async Task<IActionResult> Get(long id)
if (id == 0)
return BadRequest();
var tercero = await repository.GetAsync(id);
if (tercero == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(tercero);
[HttpPost] //POST
public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody]Tercero tercero)
return Ok(await repository.InsertAsync(tercero));
catch(Exception e)
return BadRequest(e.ToString());
[HttpPut("{id}")] //PUT
public async Task<IActionResult> Put([FromBody]Tercero tercero, long Id)
if (tercero.Id != Id)
return BadRequest("No hay correlacion entre el id y el objeto");
return Ok(await repository.UpdateAsync(tercero, Id));
catch (Exception e)
return BadRequest(e.ToString());
[HttpDelete("{id}")] //DELETE
public async Task<IActionResult> Delete(long id)
await repository.DeleteAsync(id);
return Ok();
catch (Exception e)
return BadRequest(e.ToString());
I have other controllers and with all the same thing happens. I do not know if he finds something to clean up the error
STEP 1: I do a POST with a new User
It returns the model of the query with a 200 OK
STEP 2: I generate an error giving the same code in one of the fields what the database does not allow me.
It shows me the error with a 400 Bad Request
STEP 3: I realize my mistake and I decide to correct it to make a correct POST
It gives me the same error
WHY? How can i fix it?