I need a headless browser for webscraping.Recently i tried 3 different headless browsers(PhantomJS,Firefox,Chrome).
When using phantomJS, it gives some error (i.e):Armv7 processor needs GUI.
then,am using Firefox with geckodriver, it shows errors in the path and connection refused.
so that i moved to chrome headless browser with chromedriver,but it also shows same errors as Firefox.
So,I need a correct headless browser for Armv7 processor. Can anyone suggest solution for that or any other way to proceed further.
Try the below procedure it worked for me.
geckodriver v0.19.0 the following versions are recommended:
Firefox 55.0 (and greater) Selenium 3.5 (and greater)
Download the geckodriver from https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases. After downloading, extract it and make it executable(in linux
chmod +x path/to/geckdriver
).Installing lower version of selenium fixed my issue in a similar case.