I'm working on a new page and for the mobile version I'm going to make a navigation toggle in order to hide and to show the navigation.
HTML code :
<div id="toogleNavigation">
<a onclick="toggle_visibility('nav_header','nav_header_level2');">Navigation Einblenden</a>
Javascript code :
function toggle_visibility(id, id2) {
var e = document.getElementById(id);
var f = document.getElementById(id2);
if(e.style.display == 'block' ||
e.style.display == 'block' &&
f.style.display == 'block') {
e.style.display = 'none';
f.style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('toogleNavigation').innerHTML = "Navigation 1einblenden";
} else {
e.style.display = 'block';
f.style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('toogleNavigation').innerHTML = "Navigation 2ausblenden";
I've tried with :
document.getElementById('toogleNavigation').innerHTML = "Navigation 2ausblenden";
to change the text in text "Navigation Einblenden" when pressing on the link, but this doesn't work... Does somebody has an idea?
Moved the id from div to the a.
See it working in jsbin http://jsbin.com/eqeheb/5/watch
<div> <a id="toogleNavigation" onclick="toggle_visibility('nav_header','nav_header_level2');">Navigation Einblenden</a> </div>
Make change like this....
HTML code
And JavaScript Code
This will work for you as its working fo