I'm needing to just simply write to a file and read from a file in Windows Phone 8 using the Windows.Storage APIs. This is relatively easy using the old IsolatedStorage method, but it's proving significantly harder using the new WinRT API.
I've been trying to write it, but there seem to be all these weird things like IBuffer. and such. Using the full version of WinRT, it's quite easy using Windows.Storage.FileIO which appears to exist to keep developers like me from going insane. However, it's not implemented in the Phone version. Also, I watched a Channel9 video which showed some code samples, but they had a mistake in that they used methods marked Security Critical to get regular streams. Apparently getting a regular Stream just isn't allowed.
So, can someone provide me with a concise and correct snippet on how to just read a file into a string and how to write a string to a file, complete with proper using and disposal techniques?
I haven't tried that with Windows Phone 8, but here's what WinRT XAML Toolkit has for Windows 8 that could work.
Here's a simple example:
use them like this: