I'm new to mySQL, and the code I used, which was working, is apparently out of date, so I switched to PDO. I tried to transfer my coding as accurately as possible from the old style to PDO, but now I can't connect and I'm sure I'm just doing something silly to mess it up.
Here's my old code which worked:
mysql_connect("localhost","root","root");//database connection
$name = $_POST['food'];
$order = "INSERT INTO foods
//inserting data order
//declare in the order variable
$result = mysql_query($order);
echo("<br>Input data is succeed");
echo("<br>Input data is fail");
Here's my new PDO code which is not working:
$dbc = "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=Menu_Items";
$user = "root";
$pass = "root";
$pdo = new pdo($dbc, $user, $pass);
$name = $_POST['food'];
$insert = "INSERT INTO foods (name) VALUES ('$name')";
$result = pdo -> query($insert);
echo("<br>Input data is succeed");
echo("<br>Input data is fail");
Where's the problem at? Thanks.
Try some error handling. For example:
If you had a connect error, at least you could see what the error was.
One of the primary reasons to use PDO is that it has tools to help you avoid SQL injection. So, this:
is a big no-no. Make sure you're using a parameterized query, at the very least:
So as I mention in comment,
should be