I would like to put a sticker on the surface of target. I use a depth cam and a robotics arm.
I know there will be gimbal lock on y axis because the target is parallel to z axis.
M1: cam2targetT:
0.933286 -0.358041 0.0279849 -0.250368
-0.162293 -0.489985 -0.85649 0.0660773
0.320371 0.794808 -0.515404 1.03789
0 0 0 1
M2: arm2camT:
0 0.707107 0.707107 0.1
1 0 0 0.53
0 0.707107 -0.707107 0.96
0 0 0 1
Mf: arm2tagetT:
0.111778 0.215542 -0.970075 0.880623
0.933286 -0.358041 0.0279849 0.279632
-0.341295 -0.908486 -0.241184 0.272825
0 0 0 1
When i send the command to UR hand, it is in this format. I used this
Eigen::AngleAxisd newAngleAxis(mat);
std::cout << newAngleAxis.angle() << "\n" << newAngleAxis.axis() << "\n\n";
and i got this: 3.87376 0.700441 0.470301 -0.536842
The final command to UR is this pose.
Mf in axis-angle T:
AngleAxisd R:
And as expected, gimbal lock happened, so what question is, how can I find the correct angle-axis in this case? is the problem can be solved by quaternions and how?
P.S. I don't think I can change the rotation order in UR.