How do you split a string value in DB2?
For example, given the value:
I want to split on the dash (-), which would result in two values:
I tried using split function but it is not a function in DB2.
Any help will be appreciated.
Short answer:
Long answer:
DB2, along with other relational databases do not provide a single function to accomplish this.
The reason is likely that it's not an implicitly scalar function. If your string had more than one dash in it, would you want to split it into three parts? Four? So the first step is to note if your data is determinate - if it has a specific number of components that you want to split apart. In your example, you have two, so I'll start with that assumption, and then afterwards comment on how you would deal other situations.
Scenario: A string value with two components separated by a delimiter
With only two parts, you need to find the position of the delimiter, and then substring before and after it by using the position before and after it in a substring function.
NOTE: DB2 provides two functions which can be used for this: POSITION (or POSSTR), and LOCATE (or LOCATE_IN_STRING). LOCATE is a bit more powerful because it allows you to specify a start position, which would be helpful if you had more than one delimiter.
For the first part, start your substring at position 1, up to the character before the delimiter (delimiter position - 1):
For the second part, start your substring at the position after delimiter index (delimiter position + 1), and get the rest of the String:
Final Result:
Scenario: A string value with three components separated by a delimiter
Use the same concepts as the first scenario, but you have to determine the index of the second delimiter. Use the index of the first delimiter to specify a starting point: Note that LOCATE allows specifying a start position:
Finding the second delimiter:
Use the position of the first delimiter as the starting point for finding the second delimiter.
Use that as a SUBSTR point for the second and third values, and you're all set. Note: For the second value, you have to use both of the delimiter locations to substring the value.
Final Result:
You can see this strategy would get out of hand for a greater number of delimiters in your String.
Scenario: Indeterminate number of delimiters
This is a tricky problem that is best approached with a Stored Procedure. Think through things like: How do you want the parsed data to come out of the algorithm, how will you access the data? Arrays are not a native type in SQL, but they are in Stored Procedures, so what will you do with the array when you've parsed all the pieces out of your String?
One way to approach this scenario is answered here:
Split a VARCHAR in DB2 to retrieve a value inside
I know this is old post.. but thought following may help others.
I used following approach to split the given string.
This is what i tried and it fetched me effective result. Hence sharing with all.
In DB2
Keep extrapolating...enjoy...
If you are sure that each substrings are 3 characters long you can try this code, provided that TABLE1 is a table where there is at least X rows (X = 10 in this example):
If the length of the substrings are not the same you have to apply
function to find the separatorI needed to use instr, substr, trim, and messed with locate as well.. but instr, and substr are all supported. You can find a pattern. I had to go through a varchar split with ' - ' and needed to find the end and go back from there.