I am working with a CSV file right now. In my program i am using an OutputStreamWriter to write data the csv file.
OutputStreamWriter myOutWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(fOut, Charset.forName("UTF-8").newEncoder());
I tried printing out the encoding style of this writer and get the following:
Log.i(TAG, "BODY ENCODING: " + myOutWriter.getEncoding());
But when i try to open the csv file on my desktop it says that the file is in windows-1252 so i cant read æøå chars which i need.
Am i missing something obvious here or am i not understanding the concept of outputStreamWriter? I have tried different types of encoding, but it doesn't seem to work :)
Your file is actually UTF-8 not CP-1252. Your text editor/viewer detected it as CP-1251 (since no multi-byte characters). You can help your editor by adding byte order mark (BOM) in the beginning of the file. I.e.
Did you try opening it in EXCEL? For EXCEL to recognize the file as UTF-8 it needs to have BOM (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_order_mark)