I am using Highcharts on an ASP.Net MVC Project. All works great on client side/js however I have a requirement to create a word document via the project that includes one of these charts you can see on screen.
I currently use Novacode's docx library to create/modify word files and this works great. I can add images easily and if necessary I can create the basic looking charts with .Nets charting library but I'd prefer to use the Highcharts ones.
Does anyone know how via a Controller (i.e. server side) I can create a Highcharts chart or get the image for one to use in the document. The only examples I can find still require some level of JS to accomplish it.
I have resolved this myself in the end using the following:
The json for it I constructed via the options here: https://www.highcharts.com/docs/export-module/export-module-overview
Apologies for the crude example which I will obviously modify and clean up my end but wanted to give the answer to this should anyone else find it useful.