The io.vertx.reactivex.core.eventbus.EventBus.rxSend()
method has the following signature:
public <T> Single<Message<T>> rxSend(String address,
Object message,
DeliveryOptions options)
What is the correct way to mock this so that it returns a Single
containing a real object? The issue is that the Message
class has no constructor apart from one which which takes another Message
So the following will compile:
Mockito.isA(DeliveryOptions.class))).thenReturn(Single.just(new Message<Object>(null)));
but of course Single.just(new Message<Object>(null))
does not contain a real object which can then be passed on to test the next handler in the verticle.
like i mentioned in my comment, i don't have an answer to your immediate question, but i'd instead like to recommend a different approach to getting the results you're looking for.
mocking types that you don't own is generally discouraged for a variety of reasons. the two that resonate most with me (as i've fallen victim) are:
there are lots of articles on the topic with more detailed viewpoints and opinions. if you're interested, refer to the Mockito wiki, or just Google around.
given all that, rather than mocking
, why not use an actual instance and receive real replyMessages
composed by the framework? sure, strictly speaking this becomes more of an integration test than a unit test, but is closer to the type of testing you's an example snippet from a test i wrote in an existing project with some added comments. (the code refers to some non-standard types with an -"Ext" suffix, but they aren't salient to the approach).
i hope this at least inspires some new thinking around your problem.