I am using ReactiveMongo 0.12, and trying to understand the core differences between how different types of connection pooling works in ReactiveMongo.
ReactiveMongo seems to provide 3 ways in which we can establish connection with the database:
TYPE 1: Using Single Connection Pool Instance
import reactivemongo.api.MongoConnection
val driver1 = new reactivemongo.api.MongoDriver
val connection3 = driver1.connection(List("addressA: 27017", "addressB: 27017","addressC": 27017", "addressD: 27017"))
TYPE 2: Using multiple Connection Pool Instances
import reactivemongo.api.MongoConnection
val driver1 = new reactivemongo.api.MongoDriver
val connection1 = driver1.connection(List("addressA", "addressB"))
val connection2 = driver1.connection(List("addressC", "addressD"))
TYPE 3: Using multiple connection pools
import reactivemongo.api.MongoConnection
val driver1 = new reactivemongo.api.MongoDriver // first pool
val driver2 = new reactivemongo.api.MongoDriver // second pool
// Pick a connection from the first pool
def connection1 = driver1.connection(List("addressA", "addressB"))
// Pick a connection from the second pool
def connection2 = driver2.connection(List("addressC", "addressD"))
What are the differences between these 3 types of connection ? Which would be the best approach in terms of performance?
As indicated in the documentation, on one side there are the heavyweight types
(heavy meaning they are managing many resources, as network channels).As it can be read in the documentation, "
holds the actor system" (Akka as implementation details : "the driver creates a new actor system") while "MongoConnection
the references to the actors" managing the connection pool ("creating network channels").On the other hand as mentioned, "
are just plain objects that store references and nothing else. Getting such references is lightweight".ActorSystem
(which as memory and CPU cost), and a single connection pool.ActorSystem
, which make quite no sense (except in very specific case, e.g. for testing).