I have following tasks in build.gradle under app module in order to release a library as a jar file
as well as javadoc
apply plugin: 'com.android.library'
def filename = 'myLib.jar'
def output = "build/Lib-MobileFramework-Android.${version}/"
task javadoc(type: Javadoc) {
source = android.sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs
classpath += project.files(project.android.getBootClasspath())
destinationDir = file("$output javadoc/")
//Suppress warnings that can cause fail build on continuous integration tools
failOnError false
task clearJar(type: Delete) {
delete "$output $filename"
task makeJar(type: Copy) {
rename('classes.jar', "$filename")
//Dependent tasks will be executed first before executing requested task
makeJar.dependsOn(javadoc, clearJar, ':app:packageReleaseJar')
task copyApk(type: Copy, dependsOn: ':test:assembleRelease') {
rename('test-release.apk', 'TestApp.apk')
task releaseLib(type: Delete, dependsOn: [makeJar, copyApk]) {
delete project(':test').file('build/generated/')
delete project(':test').file('build/outputs/')
delete project(':test').file('build/tmp/')
delete project(':test').file('build/intermediates/')
delete 'build/generated/'
delete 'build/intermediates/'
delete 'build/outputs/'
delete 'build/tmp/'
By executing ReleaseLib
task using Gradle wrapper
from terminal, I will have Lib-MobileFramework-Android
folder includes javadoc
and myLib.jar
. That is exactly what I expected.
MobileFramework-Android.zip -> javadoc, myLib.jar, MyApp -> TestApp.apk
I use ship.io
as continues integration framework. When I execute releaseLib task from there, javadoc is under MobileFramework-Android folder as expected, but .jar file is not under folder rather outside it. So I have following:
MobileFramework-Android.zip -> javadoc, TestApp (Empty folder)
Why is that and what is the solution?
We do move some files to the artifacts directory, including the .jar file. I confirmed this in the most recent build on your account, the 'libMobileTagging.jar' file is in the artifacts directory. If you're interested in moving it to a specific location, you can run a command in your gradle task to move create/move the directory you want to save.
Let me know if this helps.