I am doing an image transition using an animation block like this
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0f delay:0.0f options:UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionCrossDissolve animations:^{
self.songTitleLabel.text = currentSong.songTitle;
self.artistNameLabel.text = currentSong.songArtist;
self.songImageView.image = currentSong.songArtwork;
}completion:^(BOOL finished){
self.player = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:currentSong.songLocation error:nil];
[self.player setVolume:1.0];
[self.player play];
I don't understand why I don't have a fade transition, I have tried several different UIAnimationOptionTransition... and every time I just get an abrupt jump to the next image (this happens to the text as well)
Can someone help me out?
You can't animate the changing of an image or text that way. I've done it like this,
If you're changing multiple labels or image views, it might be better to create a subclass, and override setText: and setImage:. For example, like this for setImage:,
You can then just use,
for any image view that's your subclass, and it will cross fade the images when you change them.