My team's designer has us using SVG "sprites" in our application. I'm want to be able to see all the available images. I was going to parse the XML and build something on the back end but then I thought about XSLT. I'd like to have an XSLT file that parses the SVG and creates a list of images. I'm close to getting it... here's what I have.
Sample SVG (although I also tried the sample file in the post):
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/pages/sprites.xslt" ?>
<svg xmlns="">
<symbol id="fitness" viewBox="0 0 64 64">
<g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-width="2" transform="translate(5 3)" stroke-linecap="square">
<path d="M5.8,27.0664159 L5.8,10.6333223 C5.8,4.7607008 10.5607008,0 16.4333223,0 L16.4333445,0 C22.3059668,0 27.0666667,4.7607008 27.0666667,10.6333223 L27.0666667,47.3666778 C27.0666667,53.2393002 31.8273665,58 37.699989,58 L37.7000111,58 C43.5726335,58 48.3333333,53.2393002 48.3333333,47.3666777 L48.3333333,30.9333333"/>
<polygon points="11.6 50.267 11.6 47.367 9.667 44.467 9.667 32.867 11.6 29.967 11.6 27.067 0 27.067 0 29.967 1.933 32.867 1.933 44.467 0 47.367 0 50.267"/>
<polygon points="54.133 30.933 54.133 28.033 52.2 25.134 52.2 13.533 54.133 10.633 54.133 7.733 42.533 7.733 42.533 10.633 44.467 13.533 44.467 25.134 42.533 28.033 42.533 30.933"/>
and the XSLT file found here:
How can I show all symbols in an SVG file?
It mostly works... it creates all the dom objects I'm expecting out of the box, which is pretty amazing. But inside use
I get:
#shadow-root (closed)
which is what we see in our actual app... but in our app, the image is nested inside the shadow-root. But in this version, it's empty. Seems basically the same as how we're doing it on the app side. What's the issue?
Instead of loading the symbols from a file, write them into the output and reference locally.
Aditionally, you need to define a size for the used elements (the default would be 100%). As
is one-based, subtract one to start top-left with the display.