I'm now on LLVM 2.9 with binding llvm- running on ghc 7.0.4 and I'm down to just one of these errors:
/home/jfmiller28/.cabal/lib/llvm- In function `sm03_info':
(.text+0x24d): undefined reference to `LLVMAddLoopIndexSplitPass'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I am getting the following linker error for the haskell LLVM bindings:
Linking llvm ...
/home/jfmiller28/.cabal/lib/llvm- In function `scZD_info':
(.text+0xf589): undefined reference to `LLVMBuildFNeg'
/home/jfmiller28/.cabal/lib/llvm- In function `sdRn_info':
(.text+0x114c5): undefined reference to `LLVMAddDestination'
/home/jfmiller28/.cabal/lib/llvm- In function `sdSb_info':
(.text+0x11545): undefined reference to `LLVMAddGlobalInAddressSpace'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
For ghc --make hello.hs
module Main where
import Data.Word
import LLVM.Core
import LLVM.ExecutionEngine
bldGreet :: CodeGenModule (Function (IO ()))
bldGreet = withStringNul "Hello, JIT!" (\greetz -> do
puts <- newNamedFunction ExternalLinkage "puts" :: TFunction (Ptr Word8 -> IO Word32)
func <- createFunction ExternalLinkage $ do
tmp <- getElementPtr0 greetz (0::Word32, ())
_ <- call puts tmp -- Throw away return value.
ret ()
return func)
main :: IO ()
main = do
greet <- simpleFunction bldGreet
-- greet
return ()
LLVM was installed with apt-get to /usr/lib/llvm.
maybe this patch can make it run with LLVM 2.9 with binding llvm- running on ghc 7.0.4
The answer to the original problem was that I have a version of LLVM that was too old. The the time of this writing you need LLVM 2.8 or newer.
The next problem had to do with an outdated line in the llvm bindings. The solution this time was to compile the llvm bindings from the git repository. Correct me if I am wrong, but I needed something newer the the public release that
cabal install llvm
pulled down.see https://github.com/bos/llvm/issues/2 and https://github.com/bos/llvm/pull/3