rxjs unit test with retryWhen

2019-08-18 14:07发布

I have the following method and I need to write some unit tests for it, but I cannot mock the response, I've tried using the TestScheduler but it was not successful, any help would be appreciated. I'm using jest.

protected waitForResponse(id: number, requestId: string) {
    return this.service.getData(id, requestId)
        mergeMap((resp: ResponseModel) => {
          if (resp.status !== 'WAITING') {
            return of(resp);
          return throwError(resp);
        retryWhen(errors => errors.pipe(
          concatMap((e, i) =>
              () => i > 11,
              // max number of 11 attempts has been reached
              throwError(new HttpErrorResponse({status: HttpStatusCode.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS})),
              // Otherwise try again in 5 secs

2楼-- · 2019-08-18 14:58

I've managed to get a solution by using the following function:

const mockFunction = (times) => {    
    let count = 0;
    return Observable.create((observer) => {
        if (count++ > times) {
        } else {

And them I've used jest spy on to mock the return value:

jest.spyOn(service, 'getData').mockReturnValue(mockFunction(4));

This will return 4 waiting responses and them the latest one.

jest.spyOn(service, 'getData').mockReturnValue(mockFunction(20));

Any number above 11 will result in exceeding my max number of attempts

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