I have a function to return the list of tables having primary key in a datatable, but now the need is to get the table list in the string return type.
My method is as follows:
public DataTable GetAllPrimaryKeyTables
(string localServer, string userName, string password, string selectedDatabase)
// Create the datatable
DataTable dtListOfPrimaryKeyTables = new DataTable("tableNames");
SqlConnectionStringBuilder objConnectionString = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
objConnectionString.DataSource = localServer; ;
objConnectionString.UserID = userName;
objConnectionString.Password = password;
objConnectionString.InitialCatalog = selectedDatabase;
// Query to select primary key tables.
string selectPrimaryKeyTables = @"SELECT
// put your SqlConnection and SqlCommand into using blocks!
using(SqlConnection sConnection = new SqlConnection(objConnectionString.ConnectionString))
using(SqlCommand sCommand = new SqlCommand(selectPrimaryKeyTables, sConnection))
// Create the dataadapter object
SqlDataAdapter sDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(selectPrimaryKeyTables, sConnection);
// Fill the datatable - no need to open the connection, the SqlDataAdapter will do that all by itself
// (and also close it again after it is done)
catch(Exception ex)
//All the exceptions are handled and written in the EventLog.
EventLog log = new EventLog("Application");
log.Source = "MFDBAnalyser";
// return the data table to the caller
return dtListOfPrimaryKeyTables;
But now I want this logic to be called in the function below...I have tried but it is not done.
public class PrimaryKeyChecker : IMFDBAnalyserPlugin
public string RunAnalysis(string ConnectionString)
return "string";
I need to adjust the returntype of the function to string type and the whole logic to be covered in the RunAnalysis method
Would you guys please help me!!!
This will return a string containing your table names separated by a comma.
I see in your question you have your method named RunAnalysis. Feel free to change the method name in my answer to whatever you need it to be, as well as the parameters. The important part is the string.Join usage with LINQ.
Not sure I 100% understand your question, but it appears that all you need to do is either:
To adapt your PrimaryKeyChecker code and return a string of tables, you could write something like this:
However I would recommend at the very least, returning a List so it can be easily searched and filtered and used for presentation on the UI.
I apologise if I've completely misunderstood your question.
Edit: returns your table names as an IList collection.
To convert a DataTable to a string, you can use the DataTable's ability to write itself to Xml, and then convert the Xml to a string.