Using VBScript with ASP I am trying to set up an HTTP GET Request which will visit a page which in turn generates a line of ASCII (non-HTML). I then want to extrapolate that ASCII line which will have 4 values delimited by semicolons back into 4 variables in my original ASP page so that I can take those values and do something with them.
This is the page I want to access with HTTP GET Request Three of the values are null here.
I don't know much/anything about ASP, so I have this:
Dim strStatusTest
Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
oXMLHTTP.Open "GET", "", False
If oXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then
strStatusText = oXMLHTTP.responseBody
End If
but obviously I haven't a clue what I'm doing because this isn't working at all. I would be totally unsurprised to learn that what I have here isn't going in the right direction. Please help!!
Your code should look like this:-
Note use ServerXMLHTTP from within ASP, the XMLHTTP component is designed for client side usage and isn't safe to use in the multithreaded environment such as ASP.
Try changing the
and see if that works.Refer to this web page if you need some more information on this technique: